Interview: Pakistan's Gwadar port reflects BRI's commitment to local socio-economic development, says Pakistani minister
Interview: Pakistan's Gwadar port reflects BRI's commitment to local socio-economic development, says Pakistani minister
7 Jun 2024
ISLAMABAD, June 6 (Xinhua) -- The high-quality development of Pakistan's Gwadar port under the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a testimony that the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is helping Gwadar evolve into a world-class port city brimming with opportunities, a Pakistani minister said. Located in the southwestern Balochistan province, the port presents significant opportunities for maritime trade in the region, including giving access to landlocked Central Asian country of Afghanistan, Ahsan Iqbal, the minister for planning, development and special initiatives, told Xinhua in a recent interview. "The current development of Gwadar is just the first step and the port has a long way to go ... In partnership with China, we hope that Gwadar will become an internationally acclaimed world-class port city, which will have tremendous opportunities for the people of Pakistan," Iqbal added. Launched in 2013, CPEC, a flagship project under the BRI, is a corridor linking Pakistan's Gwadar port with Kashgar in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, highlighting energy, transport, and industrial cooperation in the first phase, while the new phase expands to the areas of agriculture and improving livelihoods, among others. Under CPEC, both China and Pakistan are dedicated to developing Gwadar into a model smart city port, and in this regard a comprehensive master plan has been designed, with infrastructure is being developed. Talking about the prospects for investment in the Gwadar free zone, Iqbal said that several Chinese companies have showed interest in investing in industrial plants both for domestic production and export to other countries. He said chances to invest in Gwadar are available for all countries around the world to collaborate with Pakistan and China and enjoy the fruits of CPEC. "CPEC and the BRI seek a shared future based on common principles of prosperity shared across people. And we appreciate that China is sharing its success, not just with Pakistan, but with other countries also to help them improve their infrastructure and socio-economic development," he added. In Gwadar, China has not only focused on developing the state-of-the-art port facility but also contributed to the local socio-economic development, with China-aided projects, including a modern hospital for the people of Gwadar, a technical training institution, a water desalination plant, and a 4F-class international airport, he said. Apart from the mega projects, China also keeps on helping the underprivileged people by providing them with solar panels to generate electricity, and awarding scholarships for study in Chinese universities, he added. "China's contribution in Gwadar has been very valuable in uplifting the lives of people and the region. Instead of just being a bystander, China has chosen to make its contribution," Iqbal said. After completing early harvest projects in the first phase of CPEC, the minister said, the forthcoming phase will unlock significant opportunities for Pakistan, enhancing livelihoods and socio-economic development. It will also connect Pakistan with cutting-edge technologies, driving an agricultural revolution and enhancing industrial growth to boost the country's industrial capabilities, helping Pakistan become a model of export-led growth, he added. Meanwhile, he expressed the confidence in an even faster development speed for the new phase of CPEC. Source: Xinhua
Interview: EU-China EV trade needs no more walls, but collaboration, says former EU commissioner
Interview: EU-China EV trade needs no more walls, but collaboration, says former EU commissioner
7 Jun 2024
SARAJEVO, June 6 (Xinhua) -- "We don't need more walls, but new models of collaboration," Violeta Bulc, former EU commissioner for transport, has said. In a recent interview with Xinhua, Bulc, also the vice-chair of the Europe-Asia Center, spoke out against protectionism, as the European Commission's investigation into Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) advances. Bulc said such protectionist measures inevitably bring more downsides than benefits, warning that tariffs could backfire and lead to a reduction in investment and missed opportunities to enhance mobility safety and reliability in Europe and beyond. The tariffs, she said, would hinder Europe's ability to deliver on the green agenda as part of a global effort, where Europe and China should be leading the way instead. Rather than erecting trade barriers, Bulc emphasized the importance of a collaborative approach that allows European consumers to benefit from the continuous improvements in Chinese EV technology. "Chinese EVs are becoming well-positioned within the European market, demonstrating a deep understanding of consumer needs," Bulc said, adding that based on her experience of test-driving Chinese EVs, they were "nothing unworthy of praise" combining high levels of comfort with excellent driving performance. Bulc pointed out that the automotive industries of the EU and China have become deeply intertwined, making it unrealistic and counterproductive to cut off trade ties. Bulc said she hopes to see the pioneering technology of Chinese EVs play a larger role in developing European public transport, contributing to the green transformation of Europe's urban and rural transport infrastructure. "I was pleasantly surprised with China's modern transport infrastructure," she said. "The fully electrified transport in major cities involving both public and private transport with very affordable prices was a real eye opener during my last tourist visit to China." Bulc highlighted that cooperation on smart mobility and green transportation, including rail, could serve as a cornerstone for further EU-China collaboration, calling for dialogue and other trust-building measures. "All parties should work together, sharing innovation infrastructure, better aligning regulatory frameworks and governance systems," Bulc said. "The world is not a static model, but constantly dynamic and evolving," she said, urging policymakers to innovate their political and economic models. "If our relationships are evolving, our structures need to evolve as well." "It's time to get rid of fears and start trusting each other," said Bulc. "We should find the right balance for global collaboration, acknowledge different paths and establish a new foundation where diversity is taken as a catalyzer for a shared and prosperous future." Source: Xinhua
Pakistani PM hails strong, fruitful bilateral relations
Pakistani PM hails strong, fruitful bilateral relations
6 Jun 2024
Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif lauded on Wednesday the "visionary leadership" of President Xi Jinping and the ironclad ties between China and Pakistan, while urging his country's businesses to seize the "golden opportunities" brought by bilateral cooperation. Speaking at the China-Pakistan Business Conference in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, Sharif attributed the miraculous transformation of Shenzhen — from a small fishing village to a modern metropolis — to the forward-looking vision of great Chinese statesmen, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi. He called Xi "one of the world's greatest leaders". Sharif, who is on a five-day official visit to China, his first since taking office in March, praised the remarkable achievements made by China in fighting corruption, alleviating poverty and empowering its youths. Such efforts have delivered rich dividends, he said. Addressing a roomful of Pakistani and Chinese business leaders, Sharif said he accepted and appreciated the dynamism of the Chinese leadership and President Xi. The Belt and Road Initiative, put forward by Xi, has evolved into "a wonderful system to bring peace" to a world torn by conflicts and wars, he said. Calling China a "great friend" and "great neighbor" of Pakistan for sup-porting the South Asian nation through thick and thin, Sharif said his country has benefited immensely from the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, with Chinese investors committing more than $25 billion to projects in Pakistan. He noted that China's ascent to a higher level in the industrial chain has presented "golden opportunities" for Pakistan, which has abundant natural resources and comparative advantages in traditional industries. Sharif, who is leading a delegation representing around 80 Pakistani enterprises, will hold talks with Chinese officials in Beijing and also visit Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province. Business and investment cooperation is the major focus of his visit, and members of the Pakistani delegation will explore economic, trade and investment opportunities when meeting with their Chinese counterparts. In 2022, bilateral trade between China and Pakistan reached $26.5 billion, down 4.6 percent year-on-year, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce. Direct foreign investment by Chinese enterprises in Pakistan amounted to $560 million the same year. Jatin Kewlani, managing director of Pakistani enterprise K.K.Group, which deals in agricultural products, said he sees enormous potential in the Chinese market, given its massive size. China's food market is huge, due to the country's very large population, and it "will bring us a lot of business opportunities", he said. Zain ul Abideen, chief operating officer of DSG Energy, a solar energy company in Pakistan, said his country is growing fast because of industrialization and privatization, and that offers tremendous investment opportunities for Chinese companies, especially in the renewable energy sector. "Solar power is ... green energy, and development of the industry is picking up pace in Pakistan. The mandate from our prime minister is to increase the amount of green energy usage in our country," he said, adding, "So there are a lot of opportunities for Chinese people to come and invest in the photovoltaic industry." Ahsan Iqbal, Pakistan's minister for planning, development and special initiatives, said that another delegation of 126 Pakistani business leaders is also visiting China at the moment. China plays an important role in Pakistan's development, and the economic and cultural connections between the people of the two countries are strong and focused, he said. Source: China Daily
Future oriented
Future oriented
5 Jun 2024
China and the Arab states are seeking to build on the achievements of the past two decades of cooperation The past 20 years since the first China-Arab States Cooperation Forum have witnessed the rapid development of relations between China and the Arab states, and the two sides have been working hand in hand for peace and development. China and the Arab states will continue to build on existing cooperation outcomes, further deepen and broaden their cooperation, and promote the building of a China-Arab community with a shared future. Established in 2004, the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum has become a platform for collective dialogue and practical cooperation between China and the Arab countries. The forum has made significant contributions to the advancement of China-Arab relations and set a stellar example of solidarity and collaboration among developing countries and South-South cooperation. To start with, in the political domain, leaders from both sides have guided the way forward through head-of-state diplomacy. The two decades since the forum's establishment has seen the most active high-level exchanges between China and Arab countries. In particular, over the past 10 years, Chinese President Xi Jinping has guided the development of bilateral relations on the fast track of accelerated upgrading. In 2014, President Xi proposed to build a China-Arab community of common interests and a community with a shared future; in 2022, leaders from both sides agreed unanimously to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era. Upholding the principle of mutual respect and treating each other as equals, China and Arab states have been deepening political mutual trust, firmly supporting each other on issues that bear on their respective core interests and are of major concern to them, and working together to maintain regional and world peace and stability. Second, in economy and trade, practical cooperation between China and Arab states has yielded fruitful outcomes. Since the establishment of the forum in 2004, China and the Arab states have continuously enriched the content of the forum in key areas such as the economy and trade, energy, science and technology, and finance. China has been the biggest trading partner of the Arab states for many consecutive years, with bilateral trade surging from $36.7 billion in 2004 to $398 billion in 2023. China has signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with all 22 Arab states and the Arab League; over 200 cooperation projects have been implemented by China and the Arab states under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative; the stock of direct investment between China and Arab countries has exceeded $30 billion. From trade in goods and connectivity projects, to green and low-carbon growth and resource census, and then to information communication and space satellites, China-Arab practical cooperation has been expanding and extending from the earth to the sky, thus injecting strong impetus into economic and social development of both sides and building a road to development that benefits the people of both sides. Third, in terms of people-to-people exchanges, the forum has promoted mutual learning and amity between the Chinese and Arab peoples. The Chinese civilization and Arab civilization each have their own systems and characteristics, but both sides have always treated each other with an open and inclusive mindset and replaced conflict and confrontation with dialogue and exchange, thus becoming a stellar example of harmonious coexistence between countries with different social systems, beliefs and cultural traditions. Since the establishment of the forum two decades ago, China and the Arab states have vigorously held various art festivals, symposiums on China-Arab civilization dialogue and other activities, and jointly launched specific projects such as the China-Arab Think Tank Alliance and the Sino-Arab Program of Mutual Translation and Publication of Ancient Books, to enhance mutual understanding and renew the China-Arab traditional friendship. In addition to the Confucius Institutes jointly launched by China and the Arab countries, Arab countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Tunisia have voluntarily included the Chinese language in their national education systems. The establishment and development of the forum has not only promoted the all-round development of China-Arab relations, but also made significant contributions to peace and development in the region and the world at large. In the process of advancing China-Arab cooperation, the two sides have not only enriched the content of building a community with a shared future for mankind, but also provided the international community with a brand-new model of cooperation and development concepts. Through the forum, China and the Arab states have jointly deepened and substantiated Belt and Road cooperation. The forum is also an important platform for strengthening South-South cooperation, providing a reference for other developing countries by sharing successful experience and development concepts. Looking ahead, China should stand in solidarity with the Arab states to give full play to the forum's role in advancing China-Arab cooperation, and promote the development of China-Arab relations. To start with, China and the Arab states should continue to strengthen high-level exchanges, adhere to the right direction of building a China-Arab community with a shared future, inject new impetus into South-South cooperation, and work together to maintain a peaceful and stable environment necessary for the development and prosperity of both sides. The two sides can organize various meetings and forums on a regular basis to exchange views on international and regional issues of common concern, to enhance mutual understanding and trust and lay a more solid foundation for deepening cooperation in other areas. Second, China and the Arab states should consolidate and deepen cooperation in traditional areas such as trade, energy and infrastructure, while exploring new potential for cooperation in emerging areas such as the digital economy and artificial intelligence, to realize higher-quality mutual benefits and win-win results and higher-level coordinated development. In particular, under the framework of the forum, China and the Arab states can set up working groups on economic and trade cooperation in accordance with different development stages, market requirements and cooperation demands of major subregions including West Asia and North Africa. In this way, the two sides can focus on specific issues such as high-quality development of trade and investment, alignment and integration of industrial and supply chains, and sustainable international development cooperation. They can tailor-make and improve the design of economic and trade cooperation policies based on actual circumstances to advance economic growth of both sides for mutual benefits and win-win outcomes. Finally, China and Arab states should continue to develop rich and diverse cooperation in such areas as youth, journalism, education, culture, healthcare and radio and television broadcasting, to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning between the two civilizations. Young people are the inheritors and drivers of China-Arab traditional friendship. China and the Arab countries should attach top priority to enhancing mutual understanding and affinity between young people from both sides and improve their capability to make them a reliable force driving the future development of bilateral cooperation. The author is vice-president of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce. The author contributed this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. Source: China Daily
Realities and challenges
Realities and challenges
4 Jun 2024
Approximately 2,000 years ago, the ancient Silk Road routes, both maritime and overland, played a significant role in enhancing economic and cultural exchanges between China and the Arab world, fostering understanding and trust between the Chinese and Arab peoples. With the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Arab-Chinese relations entered a new phase, starting in 1956 with Egypt's recognition of the PRC and the establishment of diplomatic relations, followed by other Arab countries. The launch of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum on Jan 30, 2004, created a new platform for Sino-Arab cooperation in the 21st century. It became an important engine driving the development of Arab-Chinese relations in all fields through various mechanisms such as organizing cultural and artistic festivals, scientific conferences, and more. Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, all Arab countries have actively responded to this initiative, making it a new platform for strategic cooperation and mutual benefit between China and the Arab world. China has established comprehensive strategic partnerships or strategic partnerships with 14 Arab countries and the League of Arab States. The cooperation between China and the Arab world is comprehensive and forward-looking, aimed at mutual development. Strategic trust between China and the Arab countries has been strengthened, leading to the comprehensive, rapid and deep development of bilateral relations. The dynamic relationship has opened broad prospects for future growth and collaboration. In the economic and trade field, China and the Arab world are strengthening their pragmatic and mutually beneficial cooperation, with the BRI boosting Sino-Arab trade and investment. In 2021, the direct investment between China and Arab countries reached $270 billion, an increase of 2.6 times compared to 10 years ago, and the trade volume between the two sides reached $330.3 billion, an increase of 1.5 times compared to 10 years ago. In the international arena, China and the Arab world are cooperating closely, effectively addressing the complex conflicts and tensions in the Middle East. The two sides have enhanced their communication and coordination, and are working together to promote political solutions to hot issues. Last year, through China's mediation, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to restore their diplomatic relations after seven years of interruption. This is considered a significant step toward easing tensions in the Gulf region. At the same time, China and the Arab world are calling for upholding strategic independence, strengthening unity and cooperation on issues concerning Palestine, Iraq, Libya and Sudan, aiming to build a more peaceful, stable and prosperous Middle East. On Jan 1, with the support and encouragement of China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and the United Arab Emirates officially joined the BRICS mechanism. The inclusion of the four Middle Eastern countries enhances the ability of these countries to utilize their own potentials and enhance cooperation to boost local economic development, making BRICS Plus a new platform for cooperation and exchanges in the Arab region as a whole. In the new era, China and the Arab countries can promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind by focusing on the following: First, aligning the development strategies of both sides and promoting win-win cooperation. Cooperative implementation of global development initiatives, utilizing opportunities in energy, infrastructure, agriculture, investment, finance and modern technology, will help achieve mutual progress and development. This approach ensures that the benefits of cooperation extend to the peoples of both sides. Second, establishing a new model of scientific and technological cooperation, promoting joint technological advancement. China's exports to the Arab world have shifted from raw materials to industrial products. With the new developments in the BRI, China can increase its focus on technology transfer, exporting modern technological products to the Arab world, as well as collaborating on the research and development of new technologies to enhance cooperation opportunities and achieve joint technological progress. Third, expanding new tourism cooperation paths, broadening the scope of sports exchanges. Geographic information technology and smart data can be used in the tourism industry to provide information to tourists, guide new tourism consumption and enhance innovation in service methods and tourism industry models. Fourth, modern technology such as artificial intelligence, the internet and digitization can now be used to reduce language barriers and establish new cultural exchange models. For example, the launch of the Digital Silk Road initiative to promote cultural and economic exchanges can provide new opportunities for cultural cooperation between China and the Arab world. In the long course of history, the Chinese and Arab civilizations have continuously interacted with an open and tolerant attitude, inspiring each other. The ancient Silk Road witnessed cooperation and exchanges between the two sides, and today's BRI has injected new vitality and momentum into cooperation between them. In this changing age, the development of relations between China and the Arab world is no longer limited to the regional scope but has a global impact. The deepening cooperation between the two parties in the economic, political and cultural fields contributes significantly to the stability, prosperity and peace of the region and beyond. The author is an Egyptian sinologist and director of the Confucius Institute at the Suez Canal University. The author contributed this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily.The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. Source: China Daily
China-Arab trade booms over two decades
China-Arab trade booms over two decades
3 Jun 2024
BEIJING, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Trade between China and the Arab League has witnessed robust expansion as the two sides bolstered economic cooperation since the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was established 20 years ago, customs data showed. Total goods trade volume between China and members of the Arab League surged to 2.8 trillion yuan (about 393.75 billion U.S. dollars) in 2023 from 303.81 billion yuan in 2004, an increase of 820.9 percent, according to China's General Administration of Customs (GAC). In the first four months of 2024, China's imports and exports with the Arab League climbed 3.8 percent year on year to a historic high of 946.17 billion yuan, accounting for 6.9 percent of the country's total foreign trade value. The United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are China's top six trade partners in the Arab League in terms of trade value. They took up 84.8 percent of the total China-Arab trade in the first four months, GAC data revealed. China is the largest source of automobile imports, as well as textiles and garments, to the Arab League. Between January and April this year, Chinese exports under these two catalogs increased by 66.3 percent and 3.2 percent year on year, respectively. The Arab League is China's largest import source of energy products. In the first four months of 2024, China imported 397.29 billion yuan worth of energy products from the Arab League, or 38 percent of China's total energy product imports in this period. Also, in the first four months of this year, trade between China's private enterprises and the Arab League totaled 497.14 billion yuan, up 16.3 percent year on year. In the same period, it accounted for 52.5 percent of the total China-Arab trade, an increase of 5.7 percentage points compared with a year ago. The 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing on Thursday. During the conference, China signed a number of bilateral and multilateral cooperation documents with the participating countries and the General Secretariat of the Arab League. Source: Xinhua
Lu Jianzhong, chairman of SRCIC, attended the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation at invitation
Lu Jianzhong, chairman of SRCIC, attended the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation at invitation
19 Oct 2023
From October 17-18, 2023, the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF III)was convened in Beijing, China. Lu Jianzhong, chairman of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC), was invited to attend the grand event, at which he has reviewed the outstanding achievements and envisioned the bright future of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)with participants from around the world. Chairman Lu Jianzhong meets SRCIC members at the thematic forum on People-to-People Bonds:Mario Rendulic, president of Chinese Southeast European Business Association (left)andDavid Saganelidze, CEO of Georgia's state-run Partnership Fund (right) Amity between people holds the key to the sound relations between states.People-to-people exchangeis an important part of the Belt and Road construction, and also the social foundation for promoting the joint construction of it.Since its establishment in 2015, SRCIC has actively engaged in cultural exchanges and carried out a series of practical and efficient projects to promote people-to-people exchanges. The Silk Road Sunshine student grant set up by SRCIC has funded more than 50 outstanding students from Russia, Lebanon, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Palestine, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Jordan and other countries along the Belt and Road to study in Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Chang'an University, Shaanxi Normal University, and Northwestern University.SRCIC has been taking solid actions to promote educational cooperation with the Belt and Road countries, cultivate "ambassadors" for cultural exchanges, and advance people-to-people exchanges. In the face of new historical opportunities, SRCIC will work with its members and partners from all over the world to expand cooperation areas, innovatecooperation methods, and continued to consolidate the mass base of the BRI, and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Notes The BRF III is themed on “High-quality Belt and Road Cooperation: Together for Common Development and Prosperity”. It was attended by representatives from over 150 countries. Three high-level forums were held under the topics of Connectivity in an Open World Economy, Green Silk Road for Harmony with Nature, and Digital Economy as a New Source of Growth, respectively. Six thematic forums with focuses on Trade Connectivity, Maritime Cooperation, Clean Silk Road, Think Tank Exchanges, People-to-People Bonds, and Subnational Cooperation were respectively convened. Among which, the thematic forum on People-to-People Bonds was hosted by the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and attended by about 300 representatives of political parties, non-governmental organizations, and relevant domestic departments, experts and scholars. The foreign participants speak highly of President Xi Jinping’sforesight as to have proposed the BRI and of the fruitful achievements made during the last 10 years that has benefited participating countries. They are willing to make greater contributions to the high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road with high-level cultural exchanges. Source: Partial content excerpted from media reports such as Xinhua News Agency
Chairman Lu Jianzhong Re-elected as Deputy to the National People's Congress
Chairman Lu Jianzhong Re-elected as Deputy to the National People's Congress
17 Feb 2023
On January 16of 2023, 69 deputies from Shaanxi Province were elected to the 14th National People's Congress(NPC) in accordance with the law at the first session of the 14th Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress. Lu Jianzhong, Chairman of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce and Chairman of Tang West Market Group, was re-electedas a deputy to the NPC since his last term beginning in January 2018. Before that, Chairman Luwerea member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)for three terms. Since his election as a deputy to the NPC, Luhas been earnestly performinghis duties. He has made suggestions on hot issues such as the innovative development of cultural industry, encouraging and supporting the private economy, and high-quality construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. He put forward the Proposal on the Enactment of the Law on Promoting the Digital Economy.A total of 24 proposals were suggestedin areas such as giving full play to the private sector to promote the Belt and Road Initiative and the high-quality development of the private economy, whichprovide detailed reference for relevant ministries and commissions onformulatingpolicies and regulations. Some of the suggestions have been incorporated into relevant planning or policy-relateddocuments.
May the people of Türkiye and Syria recover from the earthquake and rebuild their homes at an early date
May the people of Türkiye and Syria recover from the earthquake and rebuild their homes at an early date
8 Feb 2023
A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck Türkiye’s southern border at 4:17 a.m. local time (0917 GMT+8) on February 6. The earthquake was the most devastating one in Türkiye since 1999, wreaking havoc on at least 10 provinces. The death toll climbed to 2,316 in Türkiye and 711 in Syria, and the number of injured rose to 13,293 in Türkiye and 1,431 in Syria as of February 6 local time, according to Türkiye's Disaster and Emergency Management Agency and Syrian Ministry of Health. Left: damaged buildings in the Pazarcik district of Kahramanmaras province, Türkiye on February 6. Right: rescue efforts at a collapsed building in Malatya, Türkiye on February 6. (Source: Xinhua News) On February 6, Chinese president Xi Jinping sent messages of condolences to the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. The message reads as follows: “I was distressed to learn of the powerful earthquake which has caused heavy casualties and property losses. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to express our deep condolences to the victims and the injured, and their families. We are confident that your people will recover from the disaster and rebuild homes in no time under the leadership of your administration.” SRCIC, with its 218 organizational members from 82 countries, has several Turkish members. Upon learning the severe earthquake in Türkiye, SRCIC chairman Mr. Lu Jianzhong and the Secretariat sent condolences to Mr. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye, Mr. Adnan Akfirat, Chairman of the Turkish-Chinese Business Development and Friendship Association, and the Çalık Group. The Chinese government swiftly launched emergency humanitarian assistance mechanism and provided 40 million RMB of emergency assistance to Türkiye at the first batch, including sending out urban rescue teams and medical teams, and providing relief materials. China also coordinated the delivery of relief supplies to Syria and a speedy implementation of ongoing food aid projects. Meanwhile, Chinese people from all walks of life extended a helping hand to Türkiye and Syria. The Red Cross Society of China donated 200,000 US dollars to both countries respectively. Chinese people in the disaster-hit areas are raising donations of tents, blankets and other relief supplies. It is learned that China's Rescue Team of Ramunion, a civilian rescue organization, has arrived at the disaster area this morning to carry out rescue. Political leaders of many countries expressed their sympathy and support to Türkiye after learning the massive casualties caused by the powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake. We hereby call on all SRCIC members and the international community to provide assistance and support within their capacity to the affected people in Türkiye and Syria. Source: Xinhua News
Lu Jianzhong attends Member Representative Symposium of 2022 World Internet Conference
Lu Jianzhong attends Member Representative Symposium of 2022 World Internet Conference
9 Nov 2022
On November 8th, as a prelude to the 2022 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit, the WIC Member Representative Symposium was held on the venue in ZhejiangProvince. This is the first symposium since the establishment of WIC International Organization, aiming to enhance exchange and cooperation between the organization and its members, and among the membersthemselves. Zhuang Rongwen, chairman of the WIC Organization Committee,attended and addressed the symposium. The eventwasmoderated by WIC Secretary GeneralRen Xianliang. More than 30 member representatives from international organizations, leading global Internet companies, industry authorities and associations listedthe symposium. Lu Jianzhong, chairman of the Board of Directors of Tang West Market Group and chairman of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce,discussed with other representatives about the opportunities and challenges brought by the development of global internet and the prospects of WIC. Zhuangpointed out that as a common platform for the global Internet family, the WIC originates in China but belongs to the world. He hoped that members would contribute their suggestions to the Conference, participate initsconstructionand support its development. Members need to build consensus on ideas, focus on new challenges and problems in cyberspace, and align the efforts of international community to resolve differences.Thedeepeningintegration of digital economy and real economy, and coordination of global industrial and supply chainsare the focuses in developing the digital economy. Members shouldboostscientific and technological innovation, strengthen international collaborationand global cooperation, and exchangevisions and applications of Internet-related technology. Members should deepen cultural exchanges, promote cooperation in internet media, and strengthen the construction of internet culture. Members shouldalsofocus on leading global cooperation, pursuingcommon prosperity for all mankind, deepeningcommon interests and promoting mutual benefit in the Internet sector. LuJianzhongbriefed thethree platformsbuilt by Tang West Market Group, namely the Datang Chain, the Hainan International Cultural and Art Trading Center,and the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC). The platforms are part of the contributing efforts tothedigital cultural industry,the cultural cause,and the construction of Digital China.He suggestedbuildinga multi-chain, cross-chain and internationally-oriented blockchain infrastructure for cultural and art transactions and a cultural digital Silk Road, which can be based on theDatang Chain, a national blockchain anda pilot project of copyright innovativeapplication. The international resources and industrial advantages of SRCICcould also contribute to this cause. The proposal outlines a cultural digital platform for artworks trading and exchange among various countries. The platform integrates functions including ownership validation, authentication, pricing, sequencing and confirming. Together, they resolve the three pain points of the industry - appraisal, valuation and standardization of artworks. This endeavor will boost international cultural and art exchanges and transactions, and enhance mutual learning among civilizations along the Belt and Road. The WIC International Organizationwas established on July 12 this year. It is an international, industrial and non-profit social organization set upvoluntarily by enterprises, organizations, institutions and individuals committed to facilitatingthe global Internetdevelopment. It was registered in China and headquartered in Beijing. Source: World Internet ConferenceWeChat Official Account
SRCIC Vice Chair Maria Fernanda Garza elected as new ICC Chair
SRCIC Vice Chair Maria Fernanda Garza elected as new ICC Chair
16 Jun 2022
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is delighted to welcome Maria Fernanda Garza as its new Chair. After serving as ICC First Vice-Chair for the past two years, the small business owner from Mexico succeeds Ajay Banga as ICC Chair, making her the first woman to hold this position. Maria Fernanda Garza has been elected ICC Chair for a period of two years following a meeting of the ICC World Council, held yesterday in Mexico City. The ICC World Council additionally elected Philippe Varin, Chair of ICC France, as ICC First Vice-Chair, and Nayla Comair Obeid and Harsh Pati Singhania as ICC Vice-Chairs. Ms Garza is CEO of Orestia, as well as SRCIC Vice Chair, a small manufacturing home improvement solutions company based in Mexico, with exports to the USMCA region, Latin-America and Asia. A lifelong advocate for small and medium businesses in her home country and around the world, she participated 19 years in the Mexican Employers' Association (COPARMEX) and served as Vice-President for four years. In her new role, Ms Garza will continue to drive ICC's mission to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere. Commenting on her election, Maria Fernanda Garza said: "Given the magnitude of the downside risks facing the global economy, it's absolutely vital for us to have a united business voice committed to openness, fair competition and the enablement of peace through international trade.” "In a period that has been characterized by weak international cooperation, I believe that ICC has a vital role to play in harnessing the expertise, innovation and networks of the private sector to secure an effective response to major global challenges. Simply put, our mission to enable peace and prosperity through trade has never been more vital — and, indeed, more urgent." Ms Garza's interest in improving the business environment made her a prominent business leader at a young age. She was the ICC Regional Coordinator for the Americas and a member of the governing body of the ICC International Court of Arbitration. An ICC Executive Board member since 2014, Ms Garza became the first woman to be elected as ICC First Vice-Chair in 2020. A strong advocate of business ethics and corporate governance standards, Ms Garza was Chair of ICC Mexico until June 2020 and is a former member of the International Affairs Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Labour and former member of the National Advisory Committee of ACLAN. She is also a Board Member of the Corporate Responsibility Alliance AliaRSE and was a member of the Corporate Responsibility Network of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: "In her new capacity as Chair, Maria Fernanda's experience and insights as CEO of a successful small business will further reinforce the work we do and help ensure that ICC reaches the whole of the international business community. She has already contributed greatly to ICC's work at the global, regional and national levels, and we are very happy that she will remain a strong champion for ICC and challenge us to push ahead to promote more inclusive growth and prosperity." Effective 14 June 2022 for a two-year term, Ms Garza succeeds Ajay Banga in the role. We take this opportunity to thank Mr Banga for his outstanding leadership of our organisation during the past two years, a particularly challenging and uncertain time for businesses worldwide. Mr Banga will continue to serve on the ICC Executive Board as Honorary Chair. The ICC World Council also elected six new members of the ICC Executive Board for three-year terms, strengthening gender, ethnic and geographical diversity in ICC's leadership. Holger Bingmann, Managing Partner, Bingmann Pflüger International GmbH (Germany) Rebecca Enonchong, CEO, AppsTech and Chair of Afrilabs (Cameroon) Marjorie Yang, Chairwoman, Esquel Group (Hong Kong) Lama Al Sulaiman, Shareholder and a Board Member of Rolaco Holdings, KSA, and LUX (Saudi Arabia) Nicolas Uribe, Chair, Bogota Chamber (Colombia) Justin D’Agostino, CEO, Herbert Smith Freehills (Hong Kong) Fredrik Cappelen, Chair at Dometic and Transcom (Sweden), and Candace Johnson, Vice-Chair at NorthStar Earth and Space (Luxembourg/United States) are starting second terms as members of the ICC Executive Board. The ICC World Council additionally ratifiedthe election of Nicolas Uribe, President of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and Chair of ICC Colombia, as Chair of the ICC World Chambers Federation. His term begins on 1 July 2022. Source:
Lum Wan Liang, Consul General of Consulate General of Malaysia in Xi'an and his delegation paid a visit to SRCIC Secretariat
Lum Wan Liang, Consul General of Consulate General of Malaysia in Xi'an and his delegation paid a visit to SRCIC Secretariat
28 Apr 2022
SRCIC Secretary General Diane Bian held a talk with Lum Wan Liang, Consul General of Consulate General of Malaysia in Xi'an and his delegation On April 27, 2022, SRCIC Secretary General Diane Bian held a talk with Lum Wan Liang, Consul General of Consulate General of Malaysia in Xi'an, Loh Kai Yong and Raymond Raman, President and Secretary General of the Xi'an Branch of Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (MAYCHAM CHINA). SG Bian first extended welcome to Consul General Lum Wan Liang and his delegation. She pointed out that SRCIC has been committed to building a cooperation platform between governments and enterprises. Despite the suspension of offline activities due to the COVID pandemic, the long-standing cooperation and friendship between SRCIC and its members and partners continues. It is expected that in the post pandemic period, SRCIC and Malaysian Consulate can resume cooperation and share new opportunities for investment and development by co-sponsoring business promotion seminars and other activities. SG Diane Bian and Consul General Lum Wan Liang Although it was only his first visit to SRCIC, Consul General Lum said he had an understanding of it through MAYCHAM CHINA and affirmed SRCIC's achievements since its establishment. Subsequently, he introduced the Consulate General of Malaysia in Xi'an, and said that today's meeting is only a beginning to the many more opportunities to discuss cooperation in depth in the future. The meeting was also attended by Emma Wei, Director of SRCIC Membership Center Section I, Alina Cao, Director of SRCIC Membership Center Section II, and Valentina Wang, Deputy Director of of SRCIC Membership Center Section II.
Interview: Pakistan's Gwadar port reflects BRI's commitment to local socio-economic development, says Pakistani minister
Interview: Pakistan's Gwadar port reflects BRI's commitment to local socio-economic development, says Pakistani minister
7 Jun 2024
ISLAMABAD, June 6 (Xinhua) -- The high-quality development of Pakistan's Gwadar port under the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a testimony that the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is helping Gwadar evolve into a world-class port city brimming with opportunities, a Pakistani minister said. Located in the southwestern Balochistan province, the port presents significant opportunities for maritime trade in the region, including giving access to landlocked Central Asian country of Afghanistan, Ahsan Iqbal, the minister for planning, development and special initiatives, told Xinhua in a recent interview. "The current development of Gwadar is just the first step and the port has a long way to go ... In partnership with China, we hope that Gwadar will become an internationally acclaimed world-class port city, which will have tremendous opportunities for the people of Pakistan," Iqbal added. Launched in 2013, CPEC, a flagship project under the BRI, is a corridor linking Pakistan's Gwadar port with Kashgar in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, highlighting energy, transport, and industrial cooperation in the first phase, while the new phase expands to the areas of agriculture and improving livelihoods, among others. Under CPEC, both China and Pakistan are dedicated to developing Gwadar into a model smart city port, and in this regard a comprehensive master plan has been designed, with infrastructure is being developed. Talking about the prospects for investment in the Gwadar free zone, Iqbal said that several Chinese companies have showed interest in investing in industrial plants both for domestic production and export to other countries. He said chances to invest in Gwadar are available for all countries around the world to collaborate with Pakistan and China and enjoy the fruits of CPEC. "CPEC and the BRI seek a shared future based on common principles of prosperity shared across people. And we appreciate that China is sharing its success, not just with Pakistan, but with other countries also to help them improve their infrastructure and socio-economic development," he added. In Gwadar, China has not only focused on developing the state-of-the-art port facility but also contributed to the local socio-economic development, with China-aided projects, including a modern hospital for the people of Gwadar, a technical training institution, a water desalination plant, and a 4F-class international airport, he said. Apart from the mega projects, China also keeps on helping the underprivileged people by providing them with solar panels to generate electricity, and awarding scholarships for study in Chinese universities, he added. "China's contribution in Gwadar has been very valuable in uplifting the lives of people and the region. Instead of just being a bystander, China has chosen to make its contribution," Iqbal said. After completing early harvest projects in the first phase of CPEC, the minister said, the forthcoming phase will unlock significant opportunities for Pakistan, enhancing livelihoods and socio-economic development. It will also connect Pakistan with cutting-edge technologies, driving an agricultural revolution and enhancing industrial growth to boost the country's industrial capabilities, helping Pakistan become a model of export-led growth, he added. Meanwhile, he expressed the confidence in an even faster development speed for the new phase of CPEC. Source: Xinhua
Interview: EU-China EV trade needs no more walls, but collaboration, says former EU commissioner
Interview: EU-China EV trade needs no more walls, but collaboration, says former EU commissioner
7 Jun 2024
SARAJEVO, June 6 (Xinhua) -- "We don't need more walls, but new models of collaboration," Violeta Bulc, former EU commissioner for transport, has said. In a recent interview with Xinhua, Bulc, also the vice-chair of the Europe-Asia Center, spoke out against protectionism, as the European Commission's investigation into Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) advances. Bulc said such protectionist measures inevitably bring more downsides than benefits, warning that tariffs could backfire and lead to a reduction in investment and missed opportunities to enhance mobility safety and reliability in Europe and beyond. The tariffs, she said, would hinder Europe's ability to deliver on the green agenda as part of a global effort, where Europe and China should be leading the way instead. Rather than erecting trade barriers, Bulc emphasized the importance of a collaborative approach that allows European consumers to benefit from the continuous improvements in Chinese EV technology. "Chinese EVs are becoming well-positioned within the European market, demonstrating a deep understanding of consumer needs," Bulc said, adding that based on her experience of test-driving Chinese EVs, they were "nothing unworthy of praise" combining high levels of comfort with excellent driving performance. Bulc pointed out that the automotive industries of the EU and China have become deeply intertwined, making it unrealistic and counterproductive to cut off trade ties. Bulc said she hopes to see the pioneering technology of Chinese EVs play a larger role in developing European public transport, contributing to the green transformation of Europe's urban and rural transport infrastructure. "I was pleasantly surprised with China's modern transport infrastructure," she said. "The fully electrified transport in major cities involving both public and private transport with very affordable prices was a real eye opener during my last tourist visit to China." Bulc highlighted that cooperation on smart mobility and green transportation, including rail, could serve as a cornerstone for further EU-China collaboration, calling for dialogue and other trust-building measures. "All parties should work together, sharing innovation infrastructure, better aligning regulatory frameworks and governance systems," Bulc said. "The world is not a static model, but constantly dynamic and evolving," she said, urging policymakers to innovate their political and economic models. "If our relationships are evolving, our structures need to evolve as well." "It's time to get rid of fears and start trusting each other," said Bulc. "We should find the right balance for global collaboration, acknowledge different paths and establish a new foundation where diversity is taken as a catalyzer for a shared and prosperous future." Source: Xinhua
Pakistani PM hails strong, fruitful bilateral relations
Pakistani PM hails strong, fruitful bilateral relations
6 Jun 2024
Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif lauded on Wednesday the "visionary leadership" of President Xi Jinping and the ironclad ties between China and Pakistan, while urging his country's businesses to seize the "golden opportunities" brought by bilateral cooperation. Speaking at the China-Pakistan Business Conference in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, Sharif attributed the miraculous transformation of Shenzhen — from a small fishing village to a modern metropolis — to the forward-looking vision of great Chinese statesmen, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi. He called Xi "one of the world's greatest leaders". Sharif, who is on a five-day official visit to China, his first since taking office in March, praised the remarkable achievements made by China in fighting corruption, alleviating poverty and empowering its youths. Such efforts have delivered rich dividends, he said. Addressing a roomful of Pakistani and Chinese business leaders, Sharif said he accepted and appreciated the dynamism of the Chinese leadership and President Xi. The Belt and Road Initiative, put forward by Xi, has evolved into "a wonderful system to bring peace" to a world torn by conflicts and wars, he said. Calling China a "great friend" and "great neighbor" of Pakistan for sup-porting the South Asian nation through thick and thin, Sharif said his country has benefited immensely from the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, with Chinese investors committing more than $25 billion to projects in Pakistan. He noted that China's ascent to a higher level in the industrial chain has presented "golden opportunities" for Pakistan, which has abundant natural resources and comparative advantages in traditional industries. Sharif, who is leading a delegation representing around 80 Pakistani enterprises, will hold talks with Chinese officials in Beijing and also visit Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province. Business and investment cooperation is the major focus of his visit, and members of the Pakistani delegation will explore economic, trade and investment opportunities when meeting with their Chinese counterparts. In 2022, bilateral trade between China and Pakistan reached $26.5 billion, down 4.6 percent year-on-year, according to data from the Ministry of Commerce. Direct foreign investment by Chinese enterprises in Pakistan amounted to $560 million the same year. Jatin Kewlani, managing director of Pakistani enterprise K.K.Group, which deals in agricultural products, said he sees enormous potential in the Chinese market, given its massive size. China's food market is huge, due to the country's very large population, and it "will bring us a lot of business opportunities", he said. Zain ul Abideen, chief operating officer of DSG Energy, a solar energy company in Pakistan, said his country is growing fast because of industrialization and privatization, and that offers tremendous investment opportunities for Chinese companies, especially in the renewable energy sector. "Solar power is ... green energy, and development of the industry is picking up pace in Pakistan. The mandate from our prime minister is to increase the amount of green energy usage in our country," he said, adding, "So there are a lot of opportunities for Chinese people to come and invest in the photovoltaic industry." Ahsan Iqbal, Pakistan's minister for planning, development and special initiatives, said that another delegation of 126 Pakistani business leaders is also visiting China at the moment. China plays an important role in Pakistan's development, and the economic and cultural connections between the people of the two countries are strong and focused, he said. Source: China Daily
Future oriented
Future oriented
5 Jun 2024
China and the Arab states are seeking to build on the achievements of the past two decades of cooperation The past 20 years since the first China-Arab States Cooperation Forum have witnessed the rapid development of relations between China and the Arab states, and the two sides have been working hand in hand for peace and development. China and the Arab states will continue to build on existing cooperation outcomes, further deepen and broaden their cooperation, and promote the building of a China-Arab community with a shared future. Established in 2004, the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum has become a platform for collective dialogue and practical cooperation between China and the Arab countries. The forum has made significant contributions to the advancement of China-Arab relations and set a stellar example of solidarity and collaboration among developing countries and South-South cooperation. To start with, in the political domain, leaders from both sides have guided the way forward through head-of-state diplomacy. The two decades since the forum's establishment has seen the most active high-level exchanges between China and Arab countries. In particular, over the past 10 years, Chinese President Xi Jinping has guided the development of bilateral relations on the fast track of accelerated upgrading. In 2014, President Xi proposed to build a China-Arab community of common interests and a community with a shared future; in 2022, leaders from both sides agreed unanimously to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era. Upholding the principle of mutual respect and treating each other as equals, China and Arab states have been deepening political mutual trust, firmly supporting each other on issues that bear on their respective core interests and are of major concern to them, and working together to maintain regional and world peace and stability. Second, in economy and trade, practical cooperation between China and Arab states has yielded fruitful outcomes. Since the establishment of the forum in 2004, China and the Arab states have continuously enriched the content of the forum in key areas such as the economy and trade, energy, science and technology, and finance. China has been the biggest trading partner of the Arab states for many consecutive years, with bilateral trade surging from $36.7 billion in 2004 to $398 billion in 2023. China has signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with all 22 Arab states and the Arab League; over 200 cooperation projects have been implemented by China and the Arab states under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative; the stock of direct investment between China and Arab countries has exceeded $30 billion. From trade in goods and connectivity projects, to green and low-carbon growth and resource census, and then to information communication and space satellites, China-Arab practical cooperation has been expanding and extending from the earth to the sky, thus injecting strong impetus into economic and social development of both sides and building a road to development that benefits the people of both sides. Third, in terms of people-to-people exchanges, the forum has promoted mutual learning and amity between the Chinese and Arab peoples. The Chinese civilization and Arab civilization each have their own systems and characteristics, but both sides have always treated each other with an open and inclusive mindset and replaced conflict and confrontation with dialogue and exchange, thus becoming a stellar example of harmonious coexistence between countries with different social systems, beliefs and cultural traditions. Since the establishment of the forum two decades ago, China and the Arab states have vigorously held various art festivals, symposiums on China-Arab civilization dialogue and other activities, and jointly launched specific projects such as the China-Arab Think Tank Alliance and the Sino-Arab Program of Mutual Translation and Publication of Ancient Books, to enhance mutual understanding and renew the China-Arab traditional friendship. In addition to the Confucius Institutes jointly launched by China and the Arab countries, Arab countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Tunisia have voluntarily included the Chinese language in their national education systems. The establishment and development of the forum has not only promoted the all-round development of China-Arab relations, but also made significant contributions to peace and development in the region and the world at large. In the process of advancing China-Arab cooperation, the two sides have not only enriched the content of building a community with a shared future for mankind, but also provided the international community with a brand-new model of cooperation and development concepts. Through the forum, China and the Arab states have jointly deepened and substantiated Belt and Road cooperation. The forum is also an important platform for strengthening South-South cooperation, providing a reference for other developing countries by sharing successful experience and development concepts. Looking ahead, China should stand in solidarity with the Arab states to give full play to the forum's role in advancing China-Arab cooperation, and promote the development of China-Arab relations. To start with, China and the Arab states should continue to strengthen high-level exchanges, adhere to the right direction of building a China-Arab community with a shared future, inject new impetus into South-South cooperation, and work together to maintain a peaceful and stable environment necessary for the development and prosperity of both sides. The two sides can organize various meetings and forums on a regular basis to exchange views on international and regional issues of common concern, to enhance mutual understanding and trust and lay a more solid foundation for deepening cooperation in other areas. Second, China and the Arab states should consolidate and deepen cooperation in traditional areas such as trade, energy and infrastructure, while exploring new potential for cooperation in emerging areas such as the digital economy and artificial intelligence, to realize higher-quality mutual benefits and win-win results and higher-level coordinated development. In particular, under the framework of the forum, China and the Arab states can set up working groups on economic and trade cooperation in accordance with different development stages, market requirements and cooperation demands of major subregions including West Asia and North Africa. In this way, the two sides can focus on specific issues such as high-quality development of trade and investment, alignment and integration of industrial and supply chains, and sustainable international development cooperation. They can tailor-make and improve the design of economic and trade cooperation policies based on actual circumstances to advance economic growth of both sides for mutual benefits and win-win outcomes. Finally, China and Arab states should continue to develop rich and diverse cooperation in such areas as youth, journalism, education, culture, healthcare and radio and television broadcasting, to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning between the two civilizations. Young people are the inheritors and drivers of China-Arab traditional friendship. China and the Arab countries should attach top priority to enhancing mutual understanding and affinity between young people from both sides and improve their capability to make them a reliable force driving the future development of bilateral cooperation. The author is vice-president of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce. The author contributed this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. Source: China Daily
Realities and challenges
Realities and challenges
4 Jun 2024
Approximately 2,000 years ago, the ancient Silk Road routes, both maritime and overland, played a significant role in enhancing economic and cultural exchanges between China and the Arab world, fostering understanding and trust between the Chinese and Arab peoples. With the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Arab-Chinese relations entered a new phase, starting in 1956 with Egypt's recognition of the PRC and the establishment of diplomatic relations, followed by other Arab countries. The launch of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum on Jan 30, 2004, created a new platform for Sino-Arab cooperation in the 21st century. It became an important engine driving the development of Arab-Chinese relations in all fields through various mechanisms such as organizing cultural and artistic festivals, scientific conferences, and more. Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, all Arab countries have actively responded to this initiative, making it a new platform for strategic cooperation and mutual benefit between China and the Arab world. China has established comprehensive strategic partnerships or strategic partnerships with 14 Arab countries and the League of Arab States. The cooperation between China and the Arab world is comprehensive and forward-looking, aimed at mutual development. Strategic trust between China and the Arab countries has been strengthened, leading to the comprehensive, rapid and deep development of bilateral relations. The dynamic relationship has opened broad prospects for future growth and collaboration. In the economic and trade field, China and the Arab world are strengthening their pragmatic and mutually beneficial cooperation, with the BRI boosting Sino-Arab trade and investment. In 2021, the direct investment between China and Arab countries reached $270 billion, an increase of 2.6 times compared to 10 years ago, and the trade volume between the two sides reached $330.3 billion, an increase of 1.5 times compared to 10 years ago. In the international arena, China and the Arab world are cooperating closely, effectively addressing the complex conflicts and tensions in the Middle East. The two sides have enhanced their communication and coordination, and are working together to promote political solutions to hot issues. Last year, through China's mediation, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to restore their diplomatic relations after seven years of interruption. This is considered a significant step toward easing tensions in the Gulf region. At the same time, China and the Arab world are calling for upholding strategic independence, strengthening unity and cooperation on issues concerning Palestine, Iraq, Libya and Sudan, aiming to build a more peaceful, stable and prosperous Middle East. On Jan 1, with the support and encouragement of China, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and the United Arab Emirates officially joined the BRICS mechanism. The inclusion of the four Middle Eastern countries enhances the ability of these countries to utilize their own potentials and enhance cooperation to boost local economic development, making BRICS Plus a new platform for cooperation and exchanges in the Arab region as a whole. In the new era, China and the Arab countries can promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind by focusing on the following: First, aligning the development strategies of both sides and promoting win-win cooperation. Cooperative implementation of global development initiatives, utilizing opportunities in energy, infrastructure, agriculture, investment, finance and modern technology, will help achieve mutual progress and development. This approach ensures that the benefits of cooperation extend to the peoples of both sides. Second, establishing a new model of scientific and technological cooperation, promoting joint technological advancement. China's exports to the Arab world have shifted from raw materials to industrial products. With the new developments in the BRI, China can increase its focus on technology transfer, exporting modern technological products to the Arab world, as well as collaborating on the research and development of new technologies to enhance cooperation opportunities and achieve joint technological progress. Third, expanding new tourism cooperation paths, broadening the scope of sports exchanges. Geographic information technology and smart data can be used in the tourism industry to provide information to tourists, guide new tourism consumption and enhance innovation in service methods and tourism industry models. Fourth, modern technology such as artificial intelligence, the internet and digitization can now be used to reduce language barriers and establish new cultural exchange models. For example, the launch of the Digital Silk Road initiative to promote cultural and economic exchanges can provide new opportunities for cultural cooperation between China and the Arab world. In the long course of history, the Chinese and Arab civilizations have continuously interacted with an open and tolerant attitude, inspiring each other. The ancient Silk Road witnessed cooperation and exchanges between the two sides, and today's BRI has injected new vitality and momentum into cooperation between them. In this changing age, the development of relations between China and the Arab world is no longer limited to the regional scope but has a global impact. The deepening cooperation between the two parties in the economic, political and cultural fields contributes significantly to the stability, prosperity and peace of the region and beyond. The author is an Egyptian sinologist and director of the Confucius Institute at the Suez Canal University. The author contributed this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily.The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. Source: China Daily
China-Arab trade booms over two decades
China-Arab trade booms over two decades
3 Jun 2024
BEIJING, May 30 (Xinhua) -- Trade between China and the Arab League has witnessed robust expansion as the two sides bolstered economic cooperation since the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was established 20 years ago, customs data showed. Total goods trade volume between China and members of the Arab League surged to 2.8 trillion yuan (about 393.75 billion U.S. dollars) in 2023 from 303.81 billion yuan in 2004, an increase of 820.9 percent, according to China's General Administration of Customs (GAC). In the first four months of 2024, China's imports and exports with the Arab League climbed 3.8 percent year on year to a historic high of 946.17 billion yuan, accounting for 6.9 percent of the country's total foreign trade value. The United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are China's top six trade partners in the Arab League in terms of trade value. They took up 84.8 percent of the total China-Arab trade in the first four months, GAC data revealed. China is the largest source of automobile imports, as well as textiles and garments, to the Arab League. Between January and April this year, Chinese exports under these two catalogs increased by 66.3 percent and 3.2 percent year on year, respectively. The Arab League is China's largest import source of energy products. In the first four months of 2024, China imported 397.29 billion yuan worth of energy products from the Arab League, or 38 percent of China's total energy product imports in this period. Also, in the first four months of this year, trade between China's private enterprises and the Arab League totaled 497.14 billion yuan, up 16.3 percent year on year. In the same period, it accounted for 52.5 percent of the total China-Arab trade, an increase of 5.7 percentage points compared with a year ago. The 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing on Thursday. During the conference, China signed a number of bilateral and multilateral cooperation documents with the participating countries and the General Secretariat of the Arab League. Source: Xinhua
Report on BRIX Webinar: “Europeans for the BRI”
Report on BRIX Webinar: “Europeans for the BRI”
30 Apr 2024
A very successful webinar of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden was held today, April 29 th , 2024. The webinar was entitled “Europeans for the Belt and Road Initiative”. It brought together speakers, including leaders, entrepreneurs, and scholars, from Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden. The Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, Stephen Brawer, who moderated the event, emphasized from the beginning, that this was the first of many webinars that will continue promoting European cooperation with China and the BRI. The opening speech was delivered by His Excellency Cui Aimin, China’s Ambassador to Sweden. He pointed out that China and Europe have no geopolitical reason for conflict or unhealthy competition. He made very clear that the purpose of de-risking and other obstacles to free and cooperative trade benefits neither Europe nor China. Rather, the commitment to genuine cooperation through Belt and Road understanding will only promote the interests of all parties. All the speakers, representing their respective nations, showed in concise, but detailed presentations why and how their countries continue to grow and benefit from cooperation with China and the BRI. In addition to Ambassador Cui, the speakers included Mr. Erik Solheim, VP, of the Green Belt and Road Coalition, Mr. George Floras, President of the Belt and Road Associates in Greece, Mr. Jan Menke Hopma, CEO of Innovasian Bridge, from the Netherlands, Mr. Tomaz Amon, CEO from Bioanim, from Slovenia, and Mr. Hussein Askary, Vice Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden. Many of the participants and listeners, upward of 50 persons, took part in a very active and lively question-and-answer discussion with Ambassador Cui and the other speakers. In conclusion, all the participants agreed that this was a very successful beginning to uniting European scholars, leaders, and entrepreneurs. In coming webinars, BRIX will work to bring European participants and supporters together with scholars, business leaders, and experts from China. It is in this spirit we can build a powerful international movement for peace and cooperation that is “a community for a shared future for mankind.”
Q1 data reflects confidence and strength of Chinese economy
Q1 data reflects confidence and strength of Chinese economy
19 Apr 2024
China's economic growth for the first quarter of 2024 has exceeded market expectations. By pursuing high-quality development, and nurturing new quality productive forces, the country has delivered an impressive performance. Let's take a look at views of experts from home and abroad to China's economic performance and onwards. Daryl Guppy China's GDP has grown at a faster rate of 5.3 percent than the 4.6 percent expected by many Western observers. This growth comes as no surprise following the resurgence of discretionary spending over the recent festival holidays. This was an early indication of economic strength. This discretionary spending is a useful measure of the health and expectations of the Chinese economy. Increased consumer spending during the Qingming Festival was a litmus test for sustained confidence in Chinese economic growth. The festival continued the momentum of discretionary spending seen in the Chinese New Year Festival. This suggests that the Spring Festival consumer spending increase was early evidence of a return in confidence in economic growth, so the high growth rate in Q1 is not a surprise. The increase in Q1 GDP is evidence of sustainable growth in the economy and economic activity. It reflects increased productivity created in the digital and green economies. This is where the future of economic growth is found. Wang Dan The Q1 growth beat market expectations by a wide margin, and manufacturing and infrastructure were the main engines. Housing market consolidation is also deepening. In the second half of the year, economic data may improve further, primarily driven by the government. After all, we are still in an economic cycle that tends to rise from the bottom, making government projects very important. Many local government projects actually gain momentum from mid-year onwards. As these projects unfold, economic data for the second half of the year is expected to be better. Exports are expected to continue rising this year. So far this year, we have observed that companies engaged in exports, especially those targeting Europe and America, have performed quite well. Wei Jianguo From the economic data of the first quarter, three major highlights can be seen in the Chinese economy. Firstly, the effect of high-quality economic development has been achieved. Traditional industries are upgrading, emerging industries are growing steadily and future industrial cultivation is also strengthening. Secondly, the innovative effects of the institutional mechanisms have been highlighted, promoting reforms in rules, regulations, management and standards. Thirdly, China's high-level opening-up measures have had a positive impact on our country's business environment, particularly in attracting foreign investment. Zhang Yansheng In the first quarter of this year, our country's volume of goods trade import and export broke through 10 trillion yuan ($1.38 trillion) for the first time in the same period of history, with a year-on-year increase of 5 percent. Among them, exports were 5.74 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.9 percent; imports were 4.43 trillion yuan, an increase of 5 percent. The growth rate of imports and exports reached a new high in six quarters. Zhang Yansheng believes that the marginal improvement in external demand in the first quarter, coupled with the overall better-than-expected performance of global shipping, logistics and trade chains, reflects that China's foreign trade has started well, with strong resilience and vitality in imports and exports. Source: China Daily
CAEXPO supports ASEAN centrality: Daryl Guppy
CAEXPO supports ASEAN centrality: Daryl Guppy
21 Sep 2023
Editor's note:Daryl Guppy, a special commentator on current affairs for CGTN, is an international financial technical analysis expert. He has provided weekly Shanghai Index analyses for mainland Chinese media for more than a decade. Guppy appears regularly on CNBC Asia and is known as "The Chart Man." He is a former national board member of the Australia China Business Council. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily those of CGTN. The 20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit in Nanning are two of the most significant events in the ASEAN region. It is more than just a trade expo with the usual fascinating array of goods and products on display. These are important, but it's the dialogues and meetings that deliver the full significance of CAEXPO because they provide a strategic guide to regional policy development. In 2014, I was invited to speak in the first Australian partner participation in CAEXPO. I got to know the outline of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and how this meshed with what is now the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It was the first time the concept had been explained fully to an international audience and the impact was significant. It set the parameters for business engagement and development in the following decade and more. This year's CAEXPO has continued that tradition of policy commitments with the opening ceremony speech by Chinese Premier Li Qiang. He emphasized the significance of building a closer China-ASEAN community. These remarks followed the recent ASEAN meeting in Jakarta where the issue of ASEAN centrality in regional decision making was a major point of discussion. Li acknowledged ASEAN centrality in the process of forging smooth China-ASEAN relationships. This is another important indication of China's desire to work within existing regional trade structures of which CAEXPO is a practical example. This is a direct counter to the approach taken by the United States which seeks to undermine ASEAN centrality in regional decision making by turning organizations like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) into a geopolitical platform. Echoing decade-old remarks, Li placed ASEAN countries at the intersection of the "Belt and Road" on both land and sea. They reflected the historical connections of China trade from the ancient land-based Tea Horse Road and the maritime trade centers in the Straits of Malacca. His remarks provided a clear indication of the vitality and growth of the BRI. This came as a shock to Western observers who have been led to believe that the BRI is a spent force. Nothing could be further from the truth as the multi-faceted BRI continues to expand its engagement with ASEAN in many key areas. The BRI is not just about physical infrastructure. It includes capital infrastructure investment to connect Chinese and ASEAN financial markets. It includes trade and soft infrastructure co-ordination to make cross border trade and settlement more efficient. The establishment of common digital standards across ASEAN is an essential foundation for progress in these areas. Consistent with the objectives of the BRI and ASEAN, the expo has a strong emphasis on the digital economy and green economy. The theme of the expo particularly supports businesses operating in emerging sectors of new information technology and new energy. CAEXPO shows that China is committed to expanding cooperation in culture, tourism, training, and youth exchange because these foster mutual understanding and friendship between the people of the region. The success of the expo in terms of the number and variety of participants, shows that China is a growing economy determined to continue its engagement with the region. On one level, CAEXPO provides an important platform for exhibitors to highlight products and services available within the region and which form the foundation of trade relationships.Many are the traditional products of trade, but they also include the breakthroughs seen with the Huawei Mate60 built on China developed chip technology. One feature overlooked in the colourful displays of ethnic dress and custom is that CAEXPO is held in Nanning, the capital of south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. This is just one of five Autonomous regions in China, a factor rarely recognized in Western media coverage which paints China as a monolithic state. These regions illustrate the cooperative pathway that is an essential part of prosperity in the ASEAN region. On another level, CAEXPO provides the political and strategic framework that underpins the broad improvement of trade relationships, peace and prosperity within the region. Premier Li's remarks confirmed China's commitment to regional prosperity and cooperation within the ASEAN framework. Source: CGTN
Francis Chua Was Invited to Attend The East Expo in Nanning, Received By Premier Li Qiang of The State Council
Francis Chua Was Invited to Attend The East Expo in Nanning, Received By Premier Li Qiang of The State Council
20 Sep 2023
The picture shows Chinese Premier Li Qiang (center) taking a group photo with Amb. Francis Chua (fifth from left, front row) and well-known ASEAN entrepreneurs. Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry News:Ambassador Francis Chua, Permanent Honorary Chairman of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Founding Chairman of the Philippine International Chamber of Commerce and Founding Chairman of the Philippine Silk Road International Chamber of Commerce as well as the SRCIC Vice Chairman, at the invitation of the host, Ministry of Commerce of China, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Government of Guangxi Autonomous Region and Guangxi Council for the Promotion of International Trade, on September 15, went to Nanning, Guangxi Province to attend the 20th China-Asean Expo and China-Asean Business and Investment Summit, and as the only representative guest of the Philippines, met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang and took photos with well-known ASEAN entrepreneurs, and attended the State banquet. The theme of this East Expo is "Building a home with harmony and Coexistence, Sharing the Future with Destiny - Promoting high-quality Development of the Belt and Road and Building an Economic Growth Center", during which the side meeting on the theme of "Institutional Opening: At "New Pattern of Regional Economic Development" will be held the first time. Representatives from ASEAN countries will have in-depth discussions and exchanges on the steady expansion of institutional openness of rules, regulations, management and standards in the region. At the same time, activities such as the "Year of Investing in China - Entering Guangxi" special event and the "Face to Face with the Business Counsellors of Chinese Missions in 10 ASEAN countries" exchange meeting will also be held to showcase China's investment opportunities, build a platform for multinational companies to understand China and invest in China, and convey to the world China's confidence and determination to unswervingly promote a high level of opening-up. This East Expo will focus on China-Asean Free Trade Area 3.0, RCEP, the "Belt and Road" and other multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms, continue to hold the third RCEP Summit Forum and other institutional activities, issued the "China-Asean Free Trade Area 3.0 Business Opportunities Outlook" blue book, guide regional enterprises to better grasp the new economic and trade rules, better share the RCEP high-quality implementation of the new dividends. Writer/Picture:Pol Ongkinglok Linguister/Editor:Stephanie Tan
Qinghai's Achievements in Practicing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
Qinghai's Achievements in Practicing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
14 Sep 2023
Qinghai's Achievements in Practicing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,cohosted by the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee, was held in Xining,Qinghai Provinceon September12. The theme of the event was Chinese Modernization: Harmony Between Humanity and Nature.Over 150 political party leaders or representatives from nearly 30 countries attended the event in person and online. Mr. Mohammad Omer,the SRCIC member andDirector of the China-Africa Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization,was invited to the event. Mr. Omer expressed his appreciation and thanks to the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Qinghai Provincial Committee for co-hosting this important event. He underlined how the world can learn from Qinghai's experience of Chinese Modernization in the New Era. Andpointed out that this eventrelates well to the Global Development Initiative proposed by H.E. President Xi and where China-Africa Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization signed its Declaration. In conclusion, Mr. Omer said that Qinghai's success on achieving harmony between mankind and nature contributes to the realization of the Green Silk Road and Building Jointly an Ecological Community of Shared Future for Mankind.
Adnan Akfirat - A miracle in the heart of Asia: Horgos!
Adnan Akfirat - A miracle in the heart of Asia: Horgos!
5 May 2023
By Adnan Akfirat,Chairman of the Turkish-Chinese Business Development and Friendship Association Can there be a port at the farthest distance from the sea? I went to the Horgos Free Economic Zone, known as the world's largest dry port, which is crossed by both road and rail and will soon have air service. I have seen it, I am writing about it! AT THE INACCESSIBILITY POLE OF EURASIA The Horgos Free Trade Economic (FEZ), a joint creation of both countries on the China-Kazakhstan border, lies at the foot of what is known as the Eurasian Pole of Inaccessibility. The Pole of Inaccessibility is a geographical term. It refers to the geographical region on a continent farthest from the seas. This is the ingenuity of the Asian Century: Eurasia's Pole of Inaccessibility is now the crossroads of transcontinental transportation and manufacturing. Horgos FEZ, in the north of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on the China-Kazakhstan border, is at the very heart of Asia. And it serves as the heart of trade not only to Asia but also to three continents, including Europe and Africa. Asia and Europe's products pass Horgos by road and rail to reach their destinations. Products arriving by sea are also transported by land and rail to the ends of Asia via Horgos. Cargo containers that arrive at Horgos FEZ in 5 days by rail from the port city of Lianyungang in eastern China can reach the city of Duisburg in northwestern Germany in 10 days. This connection route, which is 3 times faster than sea transportation and half the cost of air transportation, offers an alternative to investors in terms of time and cost. Goods purchased from Horgos FEZ can be freely shipped to CIS countries without any additional customs inspection or tax. HERODOTUS' LEGEND COMES TRUE! Horgos is a historical gateway. It has long been called the Dzungarian Gate (or Altai Pass). It is the only pass through the 4,800-kilometer mountain wall stretching from Manchuria to Afghanistan. It is a convenient natural gateway for riders on horseback between the western Eurasian steppes and the lands further east. It has also been noted for its fierce and almost constant winds. In his "Histories", Herodotus quotes travelers' reports of a country in the northeast where men with the bodies of lions and the wings of eagles guarded the gold and the North Wind came out of a mountain cave. Hyperborea, a term meaning beyond the point where Boreas, the god of the North Wind, breathed his breath, is the name of a mythical land in Greek Mythology beyond the North Wind, where the sun never fails to shine, the trees are always full of fruit and the meadows are always green. Some scholars argue that there is a connection between the Dzungarian Gate and the home of Boreas, the creator of the North Wind in Greek mythology. Because this gate is at the foot of the Altai Mountains, named after the Golden Mountain. Horgos have replaced the house of Boreas! BREAKING NEW GROUND IN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The Horgos FEZ is intended to be a game-changing catalyst for international cooperation and trade. Officially called the International Center for Border Cooperation (ICBC), the five-square-kilometer Free Economic Zone is located in the middle of the Saryesik-Atyrau desert, 670 kilometers west of Urumqi and 380 kilometers east of Almaty. Horgos, in the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture of China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, means "the place where camel caravans pass" in Mongolian and "the place where wealth accumulates" in Kazakh. The new city of Horgos on the Chinese side, the size of New York City, is like an oasis in the desert. On the Kazakh side, the developing Horgos-East Gate Special Economic Zone is recovering rapidly after the pandemic. Many of the China-Europe rail lines pass through here. Horgos is also the crossroads of the Western Europe-Western China Highway from the Yellow Sea to the Baltic. It is a successful implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, a massive economic cooperation-trade network of interconnected land and sea ports, special economic zones, new cities, and free trade zones in which 134 countries in Eurasia, Africa, and South America are actively participating. Horgos is positioned as a gateway for international trade linking east and west and a bridgehead for the opening of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to the west. It is the world's first cross-border international free economic zone and China's first special economic zone "inside the country but outside the jurisdiction of customs". Moreover, with the facilities provided by the Chinese central government and the strong interest of the Uyghur Autonomous Region, the Horgos Local Government offers very attractive investment incentives for setting up manufacturing facilities. The incentives offered by both China and Kazakhstan for Horgos FEZ to become a production base deserve the attention of investors. THE BRIGHT ROAD OF KAZAKHSTAN When it first opened in December 2011, the Khorgos FEZ was heralded as a cornerstone of China-Kazakhstan bilateral relations and a prime example of Kazakhstan's broader "Nurlu Yol" plan to diversify its economy beyond energy exports. Presented in promotional materials as "a huge new city of the future where two civilizations intersect," Horgos FEZ is envisioned as a multicultural economic crossroads where Central Asian Turks, Russians, and Chinese can come together to buy each other's goods, eat each other's cuisine and consume each other's entertainment and culture. A new city is being built on the Kazakhstan side of the Horgos FEZ. Nurkent is expected to be home to 100,000 people. The first zone is 90% complete. It was announced that the entire development and construction of Nurkent City Phase One will be completed in September 2023. It is planned to be fully completed by 2035. Nurkent is seen as a vehicle to help resettle workers at the Khorgos-East Gate, the largest transportation and logistics hub in the Belt and Road Initiative. These workers will be retrained as a permanent source of labor for the Horgos FEZ, which is already a major trade hub between Kazakhstan and China and is developing into a favored manufacturing zone. HUGE WORK IN LESS TIME The Chinese side of Horgos consists of five giant four-story wholesale markets. They are located side by side in blocks, with wide sidewalks and roads between them. No personal vehicles are allowed within the area, and public golf carts and vans transport customers from the shopping complex to the shopping complex. New wholesale markets continue to be added, while unfinished construction projects take up much of the land. Like Chinese wholesale markets, the inside of the malls is made up of hundreds of small shops and booths rented by individual vendors. Most of the buildings, floors, and corridors are organized by product type. Vendors call out to you as you walk through aisles filled with huge waist-high piles of goods. But it is important to remember that this is not just a new free trade zone, but an entirely new economy being created. ICBC is just one part of a multi-pronged development initiative to build an entirely new trade, manufacturing, and logistics zone where none existed before. The adjacent Horgos special economic zone is estimated to attract 30,000 workers and their families, while the city of Horgos is being built for 200,000 people. Such large-scale development anywhere takes decades, not just years. China did it in 10 years. TUCEM OPENS TURKISH BRANDS TO CHINA FROM HORGOS At the invitation of Mr. Ma Fuming, President of Horgos International Chamber of Commerce, we as the Turkish-Chinese Business Matching Center delegation Mr, Serdar Kulu, Director of TUCEM Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and I spent four full days in Horgos between April 26-30. Mr. Rutkay Çakırkaya, the owner of Balizza, one of Turkey's leading women's clothing brands, joined us coming from through Kazakhstan. We were received by Mr. Hao Jianmin, the CCP Secretary of Horgos. The Uyghur, Kazakh, Hui, and Han officials of the Horgos Local Government mobilized with sincere interest to provide the best service. Here is our good news: On August 12-14, we are organizing a special exhibition and fashion show with Turkish clothing brands in Horgos International Free Economic Zone. Hao Jianmin, Secretary of Horgos CPC, has committed to bringing a delegation of 1000 buyers, including all major garment buyers from the eastern region of China. Turkey is organizing the first international event of Horgos FEZ in a magnificent venue built in the shape of a Chinese Palace. We will continue to report good news from Horgos!
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